Yalow Student Demographics

Yalow’s diverse population comes from all over the Bronx, some students traveling almost 9 miles one way to get to the school. They come from the far north, far east, far south, and a concentration around the school area—forming a triangle from the school northwest to Coop City and then south to Hunts Point. All this and we maintain a 90% attendance rate. That rate demonstrates motivated students and loyal parents.

83 of  the school’s 301 families bring us 46% of our students.

We currently have 80 students (17.5%) with Individual Education Plans (IEPs). We also provide speech, counseling, and physical therapy services to our students.

We have 89 students (19.5%) who are “homeless” or live in foster care.

94.3% of our students are economically disadvantaged.

38.4% are English language learners (ELL) or forever ELLs. Our diverse student makeup includes 53.5% Hispanic, 44.5% African or African American, and 1.8% Asian/Pacific Islander

46% of our students come from households that speak languages other than English at home. 37% speak Spanish; others speak Soninke (4%), Fulani (1%), and French (1%). These languages are spoken by less than 1%: Arabic, Bambari, Bengali, Creole, Hausa, Mandinka, Russian, Twi, and Wolof. All these cultures give our students and staff a wonderful opportunity to learn from one another.

Yalow is committed to providing a quality educational experience, one that will inspire our students to reach for their goal.