
Teacher helping young boy with writing lesson
Yalow Charter School is committed to aligning its curriculum to New York Common Core state standards and will use the Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) program, approved by the State Education Department, for K-3, the Core Knowledge Sequence for 4th and 5th grades, and the Singapore math program for K-5. Singapore math balances computational fluency with conceptual understanding so children can master concepts, and it was designed with English Language Lerner students in mind. This math is in use at premier elementary schools in NYS, such as Hunter College Elementary and Scarsdale schools.



Concluded in March 2012, the NYCDOE Core Knowledge Early Literacy K-2 Pilot in low-income schools showed dramatic results: CKLA students gained better reading competency and content knowledge (science and social studies skills) by year 3 than their peers did; “CKLA students had significantly greater gains in year 3 than their peers”; DOE approved CKLA. The American Museum of Natural History will help us employ inquiry-based science using BSCS Science tracks; the AMNH will act as a classroom every 2-3 weeks.

Yalow’s partners will include the Bronx Arts Ensemble (BAE) and the Kasparov Chess Foundation (KCF).  Yalow will use elements of the BAE arts and music programs already present in 80 Bronx public schools. The school will incorporate the successful chess program implemented for the Harlem Children Zone (HCZ) schools. It will have a 5-day fencing program organized by Columbia University’s coach. The arts, chess, and fencing programs will be fully integrated with academics during the school day, enriching the lives of our students and teaching them the disciplined commitment and verve required to succeed in life.